Friday, May 27, 2011

Making Sense of It All

Making Sense of It All

Time has a way of changing us, life has a way of showing us that we are not invincible. Youth cannot last forever, nor beauty, or health and often not even prosperity. But love, love alone is the one thing that can last forever and never be taken away. Love is all that matters and the good and the kindness that we bring to this world and to each other is all that is truly important.
Who do you admire? Is it the billionaire you see on TV or the Movie Star who is perceived as having the perfect life? Or is it someone much simpler, someone who has lived a life filled with love, meaning, and caring… someone like Mother Teresa. A simple woman who accomplished so much out of love and kindness that you cannot help but feel peace in the presence of her picture or get the chills just by listening to the sound of her voice?

Did you know that when Mother Theresa went on missions she refused to eat, so many people would ask her why and she would simply answer that in order to help, the poor, the hungry, the homeless, I have to know what it is like to feel what they feel?

 Did you ever wonder why you are the mother of an addict, or an addict? Did you ever wonder why me? Why is my child an addict? I used to be so angry that my child was an addict then one day a good friend told me that my son’s soul picked to be an addict (which is supposed to be one of the most difficult lives any soul can experience) so he could feel what it felt like to be an addict, because he was very special and God needed him to help others, maybe in this life or the next and one day and that it would be revealed to me why we went through so much
So if you like me the mother of an addict I want to thank you for everything you do to help other mothers and addicts. I want to thank you for sharing, listening, being brave and posting. Because I believe we were all picked to have such difficult lives to one day help others I know I sound a little crazy but I love and care for each of you and I am so proud to call you my friend.  Perhaps just like mother Teresa we were chosen to be mothers of addicts and our children were chosen to be addicts and we may all just have the privilege of helping others because we know how they feel whether it is in this life or maybe even the next.!/addictsmom

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